Hi there! Nice to see you and thanks for coming by. I’m a writer who does lots of other things. Life is full. But if I don’t include writing I find it hard to be happy.

I write something almost every day and to me it’s crucial. I know that many people want to write and because writing has been central to my life for so long it means a great deal to me to support others in getting to their writing.

If you want to be writing — or writing more — let’s talk. Take a look at this website and/or text me at (845) 679-0306, and let’s see what we have in common.

Tuesday, February 11 and February 25. 6:30pmET.
Please choose one!

To register: RafAndBird@protonmail.com
Suggested amount: $15. Less or more is welcome.
For more information: What is WRITETIME?

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Saturday, March 22 ~ 1-4pm

in Woodstock

$65 ~ 2 scholarship spots available, please inquire!

Saturday, March 29 ~ 1-4pmET


$35 ~ 2 scholarship spots available, please inquire!

Join the Mailing List! Send your request to RafAndBird@protonmail.com